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New posts in std-ranges

What is the purpose of (void) casts in the GCC standard library implementation?

Why does `iota(0) | take(0)` not model ranges::sized_range in C++20?

c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

Is std::ranges::size supposed to return an unsigned integer?

Why can't I use istream_view and std::accumulate to sum up my input?

How to use ranges::sort for ascending or descending sort controlled by a boolean

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Can can I make `std::ranges::views::elements` work with a range of my type

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Why can views::reverse transform a non-sized_range into a size_range?

c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

How can I collect an istream_view into a container?

Why is const char[] a better match for std::ranges::range than for an explicit, const char* free overload, and how to fix it?

requirements for custom container type to use with views

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Detecting compile-time constantness of range size

Do C++ ranges support projections in views?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

C++20 ranges and sorting

c++ sorting c++20 std-ranges

Undefined behaviour on std::prev for transform-view

What is the difference between iterator_category and iterator_concept in C++20?

Use of 'auto [...] 'before deduction of 'auto' with recursive, concept-based function template

recursive application of C++20 range adaptor causes a compile time infinite loop

c++ stl c++20 std-ranges