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New posts in c++03

How to overload free function for member type of template

How were move semantics addressed before C++11?

c++ c++03

c++03: default constructor for build-in types in std::map

c++ stdmap c++03

Member function pointer to unspecified class type - is it possible?

problems initializing a vector of vectors of an auto-inc type

Can friend class be declared conditionally in C++03?

c++ friend c++03

C++: get number of characters printed when using ofstream

c++ io c++03

Mutex in C++ BEFORE C++11

c++ mutex c++03

Using boost to create a lambda function which always returns true

c++ boost lambda c++03

How to "dereference a type" in C++03?

C++ "Floating Point Enum"

Passing a member function to for_each in C++03 (no boost, no c++11)

c++ stl c++03

RAII object for restoring previous value

c++ boost c++03

Concatenating proprocessor macro __FUNCTION__ with a string

c++ c-preprocessor c++03

Is there any library that provides containers for non-copyable types that are not default-contructible?

c++ c++03

Construct std::string from up to X characters, stopping at null char

c++ stdstring c++03

Stack allocator for C++03 standard containers

c++ stl c++03 allocator