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New posts in c++03

Placing a namespace-scope file-local (.cpp) constant in an anonymous namespace or not

Does "potentially-evaluated" means the same as "odr-used" in C++03?

c++ language-lawyer c++03

Do I need a memory barrier for a change notification flag between threads?

How to wait for an asio handler?

Substitution of void as parameter to templated method

How to delegate an action to function return?

c++ c++03

Migrating code from C++03 to C++11: should I be cautious about the implicit default move constructor?

c++ c++11 c++03

C++98/03 reference collapsing and cv qualifiers

Confused between a copy constructor and a converting constructor

c++ constructor c++03

Is there a way to test that a default constructor does not exist?

c++ testing c++03

C++ preprocessor conditional parameter

How to test whether class B is derived from template family of classes

Using negation of UnaryPredicate in erase-remove idiom

Is get() reliable when an auto_ptr is uninitialized?

c++ c++03 auto-ptr

std::bitset::all substitute for prior C++11 compilers

c++ c++03 std-bitset

Checking whether a template argument is a reference [C++03]

c++ templates sfinae c++03

How should memory be freed after an exception is thrown in C++?

exception memory malloc c++03

Retrieving size of datatype from std::type_info

c++ std c++03

= NULL, and non-static data member initializing in c++98

c++ gcc c++03 c++98