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New posts in branching-and-merging

Git pull requests involving subbranch of branch

Tips for manual merge of diverged code

Perforce: How to integrate across several branches?

Supporting multiple versions with Successful Git Branching Model

Force merge after reverting merge commit int git

git branching-and-merging

Mercurial merge repository as branch

Git merge strategy for Agile Branching workflow

Should we remove a remote Git branch after merging to master?

Can I commit changes to multiple mercurial subrepos to a new named branch?

Mercurial: Any ideas on how to skip some changesets when merging between branches?

Git subtree merge strategy or subtree command?

Mercurial - Merge two branches into a 3rd new branch

git merge vs rebase using git svn

Workflow for working with two versions of a project in Mercurial

Get a bugfix from default to a feature branch in Mercurial

Delete git master branch on a private server (not GitHub)

In TFS is the direction of a branch's parent-child relationship important

tfs branching-and-merging

Subversion: Branch per Environment?

Why would my local changes in Git be overwritten by checkout in this circumstance?

Folder converted to branch?