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New posts in branching-and-merging

Git : Merge multiple commits from one branch into another

A better way to handle branching and merging?

svn branching-and-merging

Replace one local branch with another local branch... and preserving tracking

Git won't let me merge

commit count calculation in git-describe

git branching-and-merging

Is this a correct way to implement docking line style branching pattern in mercurial?

Git: Pulled the wrong branch, then pushed the merge. How to undo?

TFS 2012 checking if a branch has been merged

In Bitbucket, what is an "active" branch, what is the impact of many "active" branches?

Stashing while merging

git - what is the best practice for team work on a feature branch?

git branching-and-merging

Switch the svn branch git dcommits to

Is there a command line TFS tool to track a changeset between branches?

tfs branching-and-merging

Git: Deny deleting remote branch via push (like receive.denyDeletes), but only if branch is not fully merged

How many types of branches exist in git?

Merging small change into branch

Branching from origin/master vs branching from local master

git branching-and-merging

Merge/rebase a 'disconnected' branch in Git

git branching-and-merging