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Is there a difference between `x is int?` and `x is int` in C#?

c# types nullable cil boxing

How can I reuse a box that I have moved the value out of?

Why is boxing a primitive value-type in .NET uncached, unlike Java?

When does a using-statement box its argument, when it's a struct?

Integer auto-unboxing and auto-boxing gives performance issues?

java integer boxing unboxing

How large is the Integer cache?

java integer boxing

Why does the assignment of a short variable to an Integer reference produce a compile time error?

Boxing and Widening

java boxing

Why does generic method with constraint of T: class result in boxing? [duplicate]

c# .net generics boxing

How can I define a function with a parameter that can be multiple kinds of trait objects?

generics rust traits boxing

Does System.Array perform boxing on value types or not?

c# arrays boxing

C# - Is it possible to pool boxes?

c# memory-management boxing

Why does the CLR allow mutating boxed immutable value types?

Calling ToString() To Prevent Boxing

c# boxing

Why does ((object)(int)1).Equals(((object)(ushort)1)) yield false?

c# .net equality boxing

Box and UnBox what does it means? [duplicate]

c# .net boxing unboxing

How to store structs of different types without boxing

c# generics struct xna boxing

Why does the is-operator cause unnecessary boxing?

c# boxing

Boxed Value Type comparisons

Why is it not possible to use the is operator to discern between bool and Nullable<bool>?

c# types boxing