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Why is it not possible to use the is operator to discern between bool and Nullable<bool>?





I came across this and am curious as to why is it not possible to use the is operator to discern between bool and Nullable<bool>? Example;

void Main()
    bool theBool = false;
    Nullable<bool> theNullableBoolThatsFalse = false;
    Nullable<bool> theNullableBoolThatsNull = null;

    void WhatIsIt(object value)
        if(value is bool)
            Console.WriteLine("    It's a bool!");
        if(value is Nullable<bool>)
            Console.WriteLine("    It's a Nullable<bool>!");
        if(value is null)
            Console.WriteLine("    It's a null!");

    Console.WriteLine("Considering theBool:");
    Console.WriteLine("Considering theNullableBoolThatsFalse:");
    Console.WriteLine("Considering theNullableBoolThatsNull:");

Calling Main() gives;

Considering theBool:
    It's a bool!
    It's a Nullable<bool>!
Considering theNullableBoolThatsFalse:
    It's a bool!
    It's a Nullable<bool>!
Considering theNullableBoolThatsNull:
    It's a null!

I'd expect;

Considering theBool:
    It's a bool!
Considering theNullableBoolThatsFalse:
    It's a Nullable<bool>!
Considering theNullableBoolThatsNull:
    It's a null!

Why do both bool and Nullable<bool> match each other?

What have I tried;

  • I've consulted the docs for Nullable, is, switch and pattern matching.
  • I think this might be related to unboxing of the value when it's passed into the method?

I think it might be unique to Nullable because I don't run into the same problems for other generic types. For example;

void Main()
     bool theBool = false;
     List<bool> theListOfBool= new List<bool>();    

     void WhatIsIt(object value)
         if(value is bool)
             Console.WriteLine("    It's a bool!");
         if(value is List<bool>)
             Console.WriteLine("    It's a List<bool>!");

     Console.WriteLine("Considering theBool:");
     Console.WriteLine("Considering theListOfBool:");


Considering theBool:
    It's a bool!
Considering theListOfBool:
    It's a List<bool>

I'm not looking to solve a problem. Just interested as to why it works this way.

Answers so far suggest it's implicit and explicit conversions that cause this behaviour but I haven't been able to replicate with the following example;

class A
    public static implicit operator A(B value) => new A();
    public static explicit operator B(A value) => new B();

class B
    public static implicit operator A(B value) => new A();
    public static explicit operator B(A value) => new B();

static void Main(string[] args)
    var a = new A();
    var b = new B();

    void WhatIsIt(object value)
        if (value is A)
            Console.WriteLine("    It's a A!");
        if (value is B)
            Console.WriteLine("    It's a B!");

    Console.WriteLine("Considering a;");
    Console.WriteLine("Considering b;");


Considering a;
    It's a A!
Considering b;
    It's a B!

The docs for is say:

It only considers reference conversions, boxing conversions, and unboxing conversions; it does not consider user-defined conversions or conversions defined by a type's implicit and explicit operators. The following example generates warnings because the result of the conversion is known at compile-time. Note that the is expression for conversions from int to long and double return false, since these conversions are handled by the implicit operator.

Are reference conversions, boxing conversions, and unboxing conversions something the framework decides?

like image 454
Adam Avatar asked Jan 10 '19 12:01


People also ask

Is a bool Nullable?

You typically use a nullable value type when you need to represent the undefined value of an underlying value type. For example, a Boolean, or bool , variable can only be either true or false .

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Turns out, you can just do this instead: bool? nullableBool = true; if (nullableBool == true) { // some code... } nullableBool == true will evaluate to false if nullableBool is either false or null , in other words: not true.

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bool b = null; c#

Is false or null C#?

The way you typically represent a “missing” or “invalid” value in C# is to use the “null” value of the type. Every reference type has a “null” value; that is, the reference that does not actually refer to anything.

2 Answers

The reason bool and Nullable<bool> behave the same when passed to your method is because whenever you box a Nullable<T> it doesn't actually box the nullable value, instead it unwraps the value of the nullable and boxes that. If the nullable value is null then you end up with just null, rather than a boxed Nullable<T> where HasValue is false.

If you box a non-null value, it'll just box the Value of the Nullable<T>. So from the perspective of WhatIsIt, the first two calls are literally indistinguishable, because the exact same value is being passed in.

That just leaves the question of why both is checks return true, even though what's passed in, in both cases, is a boxed boolean, and not a Nullable<T>. That's answered by the C# language specs, section 7.10.10:

If T is a nullable type, the result is true if D is the underlying type of T.

In this case this is considering E is T and D is defined earlier as a computed value of E where:

If the type of E is a nullable type, D is the underlying type of that nullable type.

This means that the is operator is specifically defined as treating nullable types as being equivalent to their underlying types, regardless of how you mix and match the actual value being checked and the type you're checking with nullable values and that nullable's underlying type.

like image 172
Servy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


The value false can safely be converted to both bool and bool? because there´s an implicit cast-operator between them.

null on the other hand can´t be converted to bool, which is why null is bool returns false.

The is operator does not (and can´t) care about how you declared the variable - if at all. It just indicates the type of the value provided at runtime. You could have also written this:


How would you expect the method to behave here? It simply tries to convert the value to both types - which it can - and thus returns true for both.

Why it does not work this way for other generics is simply because there´s no implicit conversion between the most generic types and their type-argument. Thus the following does not work:

string myString = new List<string>();
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MakePeaceGreatAgain Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
