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New posts in borrow-checker

Casting to `*mut` overrules the reference not being `mut`

rust borrow-checker

Why does the compiler tell me to consider using a `let` binding" when I already am?

rust borrow-checker

How to run for loop on elements of a vector and change the vector inside the for loop and outside the for loop in rust?

Best way to remove elements of Vec depending on other elements of the same Vec

rust borrow-checker

How to use (unsafe) aliasing?

How to workaround the coexistence of a mutable and immutable borrow?

rust borrow-checker

How can I implement std::convert::From such that it does not consume its input?

rust traits borrow-checker

Destructuring a struct containing a borrow in a function argument

struct rust borrow-checker

Rust, need a mutable reference of Self inside iteration

rust borrow-checker

Save mutable reference for later even when aliased

rust borrow-checker

Mutable borrow in function argument

rust borrow-checker

Is there a way to tell the Rust's drop checker we effectively own a `T` without it being in generic parameters?

Splitting a `Vec`

rust unsafe borrow-checker

Can you implement math ops on structs without explicit references or ownership moving?

Semantics of lifetime parameters

Tree traversal in Rust vs Borrow Checker

Release borrowing in Rust [duplicate]

rust borrow-checker

How do I solve "lifetime of reference outlives lifetime of borrowed content" in the following context?

cannot move out of borrowed content when unwrapping a member variable in a &mut self method

Regex capture iterator method moves iterator