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New posts in borrow-checker

"borrowed value does not live long enough" when using a struct with a slice

How to lazily create map entry whose construction uses self in Rust

hashmap rust borrow-checker

How do I implement a container with support for a mutable iterator? [duplicate]

How can I simultaneously iterate over a Rust HashMap and modify some of its values?

rust borrow-checker

Mutate a field of a Vec's element while looping over a field of another element in the same Vec

rust borrow-checker

Why do we need Rc<T> when immutable references can do the job?

Implementing a "cautious" take_while using Peekable

Why is indexing a mutable vector based on its len() considered simultaneous borrowing?

rust borrow-checker

Can you control borrowing a struct vs borrowing a field?

rust borrow-checker

Can I make a struct that works with both values and borrowed references to a trait?

rust traits borrow-checker

How is a destructor call `fn drop(&mut self)` call inserted when the owning variable is immutable?

Why are multiple mutable borrows possible in the same scope?

rust borrow-checker

Why can borrowed string literal outlive its owner by faking a lifetime?

Cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time when returning a Result containing a reference

rust borrow-checker

HashMap key does not live long enough

rust borrow-checker

Returning a RWLockReadGuard independently from a method

rust borrow-checker rwlock

How to interpret immutable references to mutable types in Rust?

Cannot borrow as mutable in a loop when calling a closure that borrows as immutable?

Why does the borrow checker not understand that borrowing different parts of a slice is fundamentally okay?

rust borrow-checker

Do lifetime annotations in Rust change the lifetime of the variables?