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Is there a way to reduce memory usage of mini-batch kmeans?

Spark with BloomFilter of billions of records causes Kryo serialization failed: Buffer overflow.

Best way to prepare for Design and Architecture questions related to big data [closed]

High-performance big data manipulation in R

NoSQL technologies, use cases, strengths and weaknesses [closed]

R: clarification on memory management

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Convert an ff object to a data.frame

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How to install mahout using ambari server

Inconsistent results using ALS in Apache Spark

Where does Spark store data when storage level is set to disk?

How to deal with concatenated Avro files?

Are duplicates useful in data sets?

Spark Streaming with Hbase

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Run single application master for oozie workflow

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Hadoop Nodemanager and Resourcemanager not starting

How to parse a JSON string from a column with Pig

using RavenDB for Bulk inserts of data

Highcharts large data set clustering

highcharts bigdata

How can I read selected rows from a large file using the R "readLines" command and write them to a data frame?

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Spark RDD's - how do they work