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New posts in ubuntu-13.10

md5sum validation for a file

Resolve Error default site does not exist after update to Ubuntu 13.10 and apache 2.4

Downgrade git on Ubuntu 13.10

git ubuntu ubuntu-13.10

How to get sqldeveloper icon to show in my unity bar

Hadoop Nodemanager and Resourcemanager not starting

install libopencv-dev without libopencv-ocl-dev

opencv ubuntu-13.10

ns2 allinone installation error in ubuntu 13.10

ns2 ubuntu-13.10

Could not find rake-10.1.0 in any of the sources

Fresh MYSQL install, Access denied for user 'root'

mysql lamp ubuntu-13.10

boost/asio/ssl throwing "undefined reference" error

c++ boost ssl g++ ubuntu-13.10

websocket connection fails in Ubuntu 13.10

websocket ubuntu-13.10

Remap Ctrl, Alt & Super keys in Ubuntu 13.10

Git has a long delay between git pull and asking for password

git ubuntu ubuntu-13.10

Eclipse ADT Unexpected exception 'Cannot run program'

Can I convince PyCharm to watch project files on an EncFS mount?

Install yeoman with latest nodejs 1.10.15

node.js ubuntu-13.10

Apache doesn't use DocumentRoot after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10 (Uses default page that says "It works!")

apache ubuntu-13.10

Cannot open source file "bits/c++config.h" error with icpc

c++ ubuntu gcc icc ubuntu-13.10