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New posts in benchmarking

JMeter's nanoThreadSleep Property - How do I use it?

What does `static_cast<volatile void>` mean for the optimizer?

PHP Performance Metrics

C++ unit test for testing performance (synthetic benchmark)

Are there any benchmarks showing how many Comet requests per second can be handled by Node.js 0.6.8?

node.js benchmarking

Benchmarking/Profiling JavaScript

Why is one method for finding the position of the nth occurrence of a character in a string much faster than another?

c# string benchmarking

Benchmarking in BaseX: how to set up

perl xquery benchmarking basex

Why does linking to librt swap performance between g++ and clang?

c++ benchmarking librt

Benchmarks of Apache Geode

Best clock or number generator function for concurrency/scalability on Erlang OTP 18?

JMH - weird benchmarking results

How to benchmark apache with delays?

Python Versions Performance

Haskell benchmarking/Optimization of nf/whnf of non-strict reduction

Regex library benchmark [closed]

regex benchmarking

Global Variables performance effect (c, c++)

Measure (profile) time spent in each target of a Makefile

Are .NET 4.0 Runtime slower than .NET 2.0 Runtime?

UDP send performance in Node.js

node.js udp benchmarking