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New posts in benchmarking

High-Performance Timer vs StopWatch

How do you time a function in Go and return its runtime in milliseconds?

time timer benchmarking go

Measurement of TLB effects on a Cortex-A9

Guava ImmutableMap has noticeably slower access than HashMap

Why is 2 * x * x faster than 2 * ( x * x ) in Python 3.x, for integers?

How am I supposed to interpret the results from Apache's ab benchmarking tool?

How to benchmark functions in Clojure?

clojure benchmarking

Why is BufferedReader read() much slower than readLine()?

Quantifiable metrics (benchmarks) on the usage of header-only c++ libraries

Getting an accurate execution time in C++ (micro seconds)

How fast is Berkeley DB SQL compared to SQLite?

Why is Symfony2 performing so bad in benchmarks and does it matter?

php symfony web benchmarking

How does jsPerf determine which of the code snippets is fastest?

Which gets the measurements right, JMeter or Apache ab?

Is the Julia language really as fast as it claims?

benchmarking octave julia

Definition of Connect, Processing, Waiting in apache bench

What is FLOP/s and is it a good measure of performance?

What does allocs/op and B/op mean in go benchmark?

go benchmarking

Java benchmarking - why is the second loop faster?

Is the UNIX `time` command accurate enough for benchmarks? [closed]