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How to kill a background process created in a script

bash shell

Is there a naming convention for new bash commands?

bash base64 producing inconsistent output?

linux bash base64

Display $PATH as a list

linux bash

Print a trace of commands in bash without variable expansion


Get path to file using bash parameter expansion

bash path

Input syntax for heredoc in Bash

bash unix heredoc

What's wrong with this bash script using cut and sed (cut: command not found)?


How to Use `bats-mock` to Assert Against Calls to a Mocked Script in Bash Testing

How to capture actual response code and response body with HTTPie in bash script?

bash httpie

Linux tee command occasionally fails if followed by a pipe

linux bash tee

how to get local date/time in linux terminal while server configured in UTC/different timezone?

linux bash terminal

Accept multiple lines of input in a bash script

linux bash unix awk sed

bash loop through list of numbers except given number

bash loops

Why does test say unexpected parenthesis?

bash shell sh

Modifying JSON by using jq

json bash jq

How can I "register" my library libfoo.so to link it with `-lfoo`?

c linux bash gcc dynamic-linking

Warning: Could not start program with arguments. Warning: Exec format error

linux bash shell sh opensuse

Slurm job, knowing what node it is on

bash slurm

How to stop a shell script correctly?

linux bash shell debian