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Warning: Could not start program with arguments. Warning: Exec format error

Hello I'm trying to make a Shell script in opensuse to create MySqlUsers but when I try to run it I get this error:

Warning: Could not start program '/home/thomas/Scripts/MySqlCreateUser.sh' with arguments '/home/thomas/Scripts/MySqlCreateUser.sh'.

Warning: Exec format error

Any Idea what I can do?

like image 490
Thomasttw Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 09:12


1 Answers

I'm guessing you are trying to start this from a KDE menu item.

You need to make sure that:

  1. Your script has a proper shebang on the first line (like #!/bin/bash)
  2. Your script is executable (chmod +x /home/thomas/Scripts/MySqlCreateUser.sh)
like image 143
Grisha Levit Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 23:04

Grisha Levit