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Can anyone explain what is happening in "sed-regex here"

regex bash sed

How to insert a new line between 2 specific characters

linux bash shell

cut : use "/" as a delimiter

bash cut

Awk summation is carried out without floating point precision

bash awk sum

How to do a specific action on the first iteration of a while loop in a bash script

linux bash

Shell : Get a specific word under a sub section in yaml file

bash shell awk sed grep

Why does 'python --version' not print string [duplicate]

python bash

How to extract fields from a json string using jq

json bash jq

how to run .sh file when container is running using dockerfile

How to find all symlinks to a file?

linux bash find symlink

how to use docker ENTRYPOINT with shell script file combine parameter

bash shell docker

Shell Script doesn't run automatically though it is registered in Mac OS X Login Items

parsing a line in bash

bash parsing

Bash script does not continue to read the next line of file

canonicalize a path name on solaris

bash path solaris symlink

What's the meaning of this sed command? sed 's%^.*/%%' [duplicate]

linux bash sed

Sorting csv columns in bash, reading bash output into python variables

python bash shell

grep redirect non-matching

bash file command-line grep

Combine two shell commands into one output in shell

bash shell

"while read LINE do" and grep problems

bash grep while-loop cat