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Is there a naming convention for new bash commands?

When creating a new Bash command that has multiple words, such as remove-unused-scripts, is there a common naming convention? For instance, should it be remove-unused-scripts, or remove_unused_script, or removeUnusedScripts, or something else entirely?

I'm fairly new to Bash, just want to make sure I don't form any bad habits early on.

Thank you for your time.

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SemperCallide Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 18:12


1 Answers

I think most languages recommend remove_unused_script over removeUnusedScript these days for readability. remove-unused-scripts is a legal file name for a script. bash allows function names to contain hyphens:

some-func () {
    echo hi

but that isn't portable; POSIX function names are restricted to letters, numbers, and _.

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chepner Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 18:01
