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sublime text 3 complete vim support

I installed Vintageous in sublime text 3 so i can use some of vim commands and interactions. But I am using it for a long time, and there is a lot of features missing, like the 'ctrl+x' and 'ctrl+a" to decrease and increase a number, the 'ctrl+r' to redo, the 'ctrl+v' to select vertical blocks, 'ctrl+c' to quit insertion mode ... etc.

I really like sublime text 3, but in the other hand, i'm really missing this commands, it's all of theses commands which makes vim so powerful.

So how can I get a complete vim mode in sublime text 3. It would be just perfect if i can do that (because I really miss vim complete features).

PS : I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 with Linux version > 4.

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Sidahmed Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 19:12


2 Answers

Vintageous has the setting vintageous_use_ctrl_keys, which should solve most of your issues.In contrast to other packages Vintageous uses the User preferences. Hence you can just add the entry "vintageous_use_ctrl_keys": false to "Preferences >> Settings - User". However for this settings there is an entry in the control palette. Press ctrl+shift+p and write Vintageous: Toggle Vim Ctrl Keys. You can see the other settings here and just change them in the user preferences.

If you are still missing some keys I would recommend to look at the default keymap and search for other packages, which provide this behavior and change the keybinding as you want them.

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r-stein Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 09:12


Now there is a new player, ActualVim plugin.

Everything you like about using Sublime Text 3, and everything you like about typing in vim.

Actual uses an embedded Neovim instance to accurately manipulate each Sublime Text buffer as though you were editing the text directly in vim, without breaking any Sublime Text features (aside from multiple selection for now).

It’s way better than Vintage mode or Vintageous. You can use your own .vimrc, plugins, real vim motions and commands.

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Roman Boiko Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 09:12

Roman Boiko