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New posts in azure-pipelines

Unable to access symbols published in VSTS Symbol server from visual studio

In my Azure DevOps YAML Pipeline, how do I turn a bunch of Stages into a matrix of Jobs?

Run apt-get in a Docker Image within Azure Pipelines

Azure Devops Pipeline - file not found in build context

Visual Studio Online build step PackageLocation being ignored

VSTS error: "Publishing build artifacts failed with an error: Unable to create directory '{p}'

tfs azure-pipelines

VSTS pass parameter in Pipeline between stages

How to set build name (Build.BuildNumber) in an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline template?

Pass different parameter value to Azure DevOps Pipeline based on schedule

Azure Pipeline/AZ Copy not copying to root directory in storage blob

Azure Devops macOS Pipeline fails on hosted with missing provisioning profile

Docker volume mounts not working in Azure DevOps Pipeline

Visual Studio Team Services Build Queue Not Appearing in List

Ignore files within the 'Delete Files Task'

How do I enable Code Coverage for .NET Standard Library (2.0) project in VSTS (CI)

Xamarin Android: Shared MonoRuntime error

.Net Core 3.1 not yet supported in Azure Pipelines hosted agents? Getting NETSDK1045

.net-core azure-pipelines

view code coverage report on azure devops portal

Building .NET 5.0 project Azure DevOps pipeline

Azure Pipeline Publish: task DotNetCoreCLI with specific folder or project