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New posts in azure-pipelines-yaml

How to define a variable with a list of files in a YAML file for Azure DevOps or GitHub

Docker volume mounts not working in Azure DevOps Pipeline

"Configuring the trigger failed, edit and save the pipeline again" with no noticeable error and no further details

Error Unexpected value 'steps' in azure-pipelines.yml

How to automatically 'git tag -a' after a pull request has completed on Azure Devops?

Trigger CI specific branch and exclude other branches in Azure-Pipelines.YML Problem

PublishPipelineArtifact is deprecated - Publish a local directory or file as a named artifact for the current pipeline

Cancel previous release azure pipeline yaml

Assign specific agent on Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines

Azure Pipelines YAML: Unexpected value 'variables'

Azure Pipelines using YAML for multiple environments (stages) with different variable values but no YAML duplication

Can I substring a variable in Azure Pipelines?

How to pass complex DevOps pipeline template parameter to script

Azure DevOps - Clean build directory

Is it possible to cancel a Azure DevOps pipeline Job programmatically?

Azure DevOps : how to disable CI trigger on a YAML template pipeline?

How to allow an empty string for a runtime parameter?

how can I use IF ELSE in variables of azure DevOps yaml pipeline with variable group?