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Trigger CI specific branch and exclude other branches in Azure-Pipelines.YML Problem

I'm trying to create an azure pipeline which triggers on changes in a specific branch but exclude other branches. The sample scenario is, I have multiple branches like dev, test, beta branches. So I have this sample configuration in my azure-pipelines.yml

      - dev
      - test
      - beta

It works fine, it triggers the CI build for dev in my azure devops. But the problem is, after I switched to other branch on my machine, let's say test and I updated the azure-pipelines.yml like this:

      - test
      - dev
      - beta

and pushed it to the origin, the CI for test and dev are trigger and their branch tag is in the test branch. Which is wrong because a CI for dev shouldn't be included or triggered.

I also made sure that every CI build is using the azure-pipelines.yml that designated to a specific branch. That's why I don't know why it doesn't work properly.

like image 886
Joker Bench Avatar asked Apr 20 '20 23:04

Joker Bench

People also ask

How do you trigger one pipeline from another pipeline Azure DevOps?

To trigger a pipeline upon the completion of another pipeline, configure a pipeline resource trigger. The following example configures a pipeline resource trigger so that a pipeline named app-ci runs after any run of the security-lib-ci pipeline completes. This example has the following two pipelines.

Can a azure pipeline have multiple triggers?

Check this out docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/test/… Yes, you can have multiple .

What are @azure pipeline triggers?

Azure Pipeline Triggers are automated ways to execute Azure Pipelines at the correct time. Relying on manual intervention to execute a specific pipeline might not serve well, especially if you want to deploy a pipeline during the night or on holidays.

How do I trigger a pipeline on the same branch?

For instance, there is no way to trigger a pipeline on the same branch as that of the triggering pipeline using build completion triggers. To trigger a pipeline upon the completion of another pipeline, specify the triggering pipeline as a pipeline resource.

What is CI/CD in azure pipeline triggers?

When automated builds are configured to run on an Azure Pipeline Trigger or a frequent schedule, it is often referred to as Continuous Integration (CI) or Continuous Build (CB). Using Azure Pipeline Triggers, users get to orchestrate their DevOps process in an efficient manner and automate their CI/CD.

Can multiple branches trigger CI build for Dev in Azure DevOps?

The sample scenario is, I have multiple branches like dev, test, beta branches. So I have this sample configuration in my azure-pipelines.yml It works fine, it triggers the CI build for dev in my azure devops. But the problem is, after I switched to other branch on my machine, let's say test and I updated the azure-pipelines.yml like this:

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1 Answers

I think that you should not use the same file for different branches. If you want to have multiple build definition per branch you should have separated files for them. To avoid repeating code you should use templates.

To show you how it may work:


- name: buildConfiguration # name of the parameter; required
  default: 'Release'


    - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
      displayName: Restore nuget packages
        command: restore
        projects: '**/*.csproj'
        workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
    - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
      displayName: Build
        command: build
        projects: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/gated-checkin/GatedCheckin.sln'
        arguments: '--configuration ${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }}'
    # You just added coverlet.collector to use 'XPlat Code Coverage'
    - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
      displayName: Test
        command: test
        projects: '**/*Tests/*.csproj'
        arguments: '--configuration ${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }} --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" -- RunConfiguration.DisableAppDomain=true'
        workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)

and then if your pipeline want to use only these steps you should use extends keyword:

    - '*'
    - master

    - master
    - gated-checkin-with-template/*
    - gated-checkin-with-template/azure-pipelines.yml

  buildConfiguration: 'Release'

  template: build-and-test.yaml
      buildConfiguration: $(buildConfiguration)

or if you want to have additional steps, please use template keyword:

    - master
    - gated-checkin-with-template/*
    - gated-checkin-with-template/azure-pipelines-gc.yml

pr: none

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  buildConfiguration: 'Release'


- template: build-and-test.yaml
      buildConfiguration: $(buildConfiguration)

- script: echo Some steps to create artifacts!
  displayName: 'Run a one-line script'

As you noticed each build has it's own trigger option so you can customize for your needs. I have this described on my blog, but all above here explains mechanism well.

I understood that it may introduce more files, but I would try to look for some patterns depending on branch type. I may find a reason to have some different behaviors for dev, test and beta but I really doubt that each single feature branch will be different than another feature branch. Thus you should find groups and create definitions for those groups. Adding different build also help you to recognized what was build. Otherwise you must go into details and check what branch was build.

For your case if you want to follow your approach I would try to set this pr: none (you have the example in code above).

like image 73
Krzysztof Madej Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Krzysztof Madej