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New posts in azure-pipelines

Visual Studio Team Services Build Package Restore failing with project.json netstandard1.0 target

Trigger CI Build only on changes to subfolder in VSTS (was TFS Online), using Git

How to remote desktop (RDP) to hosted agents of Azure Pipelines

VSTS How to Trigger a Deployment Containing Multiple Release Definitions

Azure Devops: Cannot Build an Image using NPM private registry even after setting NPM Authenticate

How do you trigger a build in Azure Pipelines when a new tag is pushed to github.com?

app.config transformations in Azure Devops for different environments

Azure devops pipeline get work items between builds

Azure pipeline delete Files on app service before deploy

How to point to specific commit on referenced repository for Azure Pipelines build

Deploy console webjob app to azure App service containing a webapi using azure devops pipelines

How can I solve COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded in Azure Pipeline?

Hosted build on VSO with Azure SDK 2.8 fails

How to use git lfs with Visual Studio Team Services hosted build agents

VSTS Build for Asp.Net Core solution fails with error MSB3554: Cannot write to the output file

Generate XML-Report for xUnit using Visual Studio Runner

Is there a way to change the default thread culture in visual studio team service

Docker fails to build in Azure Pipelines with "error MSB1001"

Azure Pipeline: Queue time Agent pool selection for yaml based pipeline

Provide a pipeline queue time variable with default value