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New posts in atomic

Why are the std::atomic_{char,schar,etc.} typedefs allowed to be typedefs to a base class of std::atomic<T>, and not to atomic<T> only?

C11 stdatomic and calloc

c atomic c11

Confusion about implementation error within shared_ptr destructor

Using an atomic read-modify-write operation in a release sequence

Use of std::memory_order_consume in the Folly's lock free SPSC queue

What happens if I log into the same file from multiple different processes in python?

Reading shared variables with relaxed ordering: is it possible in theory? Is it possible in C++?

Where can I find the source code for `native` methods in Java library?

CUDA atomic operation performance in different scenarios

cuda gpu gpgpu nvidia atomic

Lock-free stack - Is this a correct usage of c++11 relaxed atomics? Can it be proven?

Uses of memory_order_relaxed

Relation between bytecode instructions and processor operations

Atomic exchange of two std::atomic<T*> objects in a lock-free manner in C++11?

c++ c++11 atomic

When to NOT use Atomic Operations? [closed]

c++ c multithreading atomic

Should constructors on std::chrono::...::time_point be noexcept? (Or why aren't they?)

c++ atomic chrono noexcept

What is the performance of std::atomic vs non-atomic variables?

Interoperabilty between C and C++ atomics

c++ c atomic

CUDA, mutex and atomicCAS()

c++ cuda mutex atomic

Could ThreadLocal<AtomicInteger> possibly be useful?

java multithreading atomic

How does the cache coherency protocol enforce atomicity?