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New posts in atomic

Is a write operation in unix atomic? [duplicate]

c unix posix atomic

Factory of singleton objects: is this code thread-safe?

MySQL Atomic UPDATE in InnoDB vs MyISAM

what's the purpose of compiler barrier?

Why using "volatile" keyword for shared memory is not possible when atomic operations are done on shared memory?

cuda atomic volatile

What is the difference between the __sync and __atomic intrinsics of gcc

c gcc synchronization atomic

Perl shared variables atomicity and visibility

accessing atomicly two scalar fields

c pthreads atomic c11

Read and write file atomically

ruby atomic

Atomicity of the simple assignment operator

Is there any way to atomically read a line from a file C++

How to have atomic integers on machines that lack stdatomic.h?

c multithreading gcc atomic

Should trivial default constructor respect default member initializer here?

Casting pointers to _Atomic pointers and _Atomic sizes

c gcc clang atomic c11

How should I implement an atomic sequence in Perl?

Synchronization riddle with std::memory_order and three threads

c++ c++11 atomic

Why does memory_order_relaxed use atomic (lock-prefixed) instructions on x86?

Memory ordering behavior of std::atomic::load

c++ c++11 atomic memory-fences

Do Java Atomics only require atomicity with respect to the VM

Is 0-initialization of atomics guaranteed to set the value member to 0?