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Is there any way to atomically read a line from a file C++

I am currently working a project where I have a large text file (15+ GB) and I'm trying to run a function on each line of the file. In order to speed the task along, I am creating 4 threads and attempting to have them read the file at the same time. This is similar to what I have:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <thread>
#include <fstream>

void simpleFunction(*wordlist){
    string word;
    getline(*wordlist, word);
    cout << word << endl;
int main(){
    int max_concurrant_threads = 4;
    ifstream wordlist("filename.txt");
    thread all_threads[max_concurrant_threads];

    for(int i = 0; i < max_concurrant_threads; i++){
        all_threads[i] = thread(simpleFunction,&wordlist);

    for (int i = 0; i < max_concurrant_threads; ++i) {
    return 0;

The getline function (along with "*wordlist >> word") seems to increment the pointer and read the value in 2 steps, as I will regularly get:



So I was wondering if there was a way to atomically read a line of the file? Loading it into an array first won't work because the file is too big, and I would prefer not to load the file in chunks at a time.

I couldn't find anything regarding fstream and the atomicity of getline sadly. If there is an atomic version of readline or even a simple way to use locks to achieve what I want, I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance!

like image 398
tuchfarber Avatar asked Dec 01 '16 07:12


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In order to solve this problem, C++ offers atomic variables that are thread-safe. The atomic type is implemented using mutex locks. If one thread acquires the mutex lock, then no other thread can acquire it until it is released by that particular thread.

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1 Answers

Proper way to do this would be locking the file, which would prevent all other processes from using it. See Wikipedia: File locking. This is probably too slow for you, because you only read one line at a time. But if you were reading for example 1000 or 10000 lines during each function call, it could be the best way to implement it.

If there are no other processes accessing the file, and it is enough that other threads don't access it, you can use mutex that you lock when you access the file.

void simpleFunction(*wordlist){
    static std::mutex io_mutex;
    string word;
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(io_mutex);
        getline(*wordlist, word);
    cout << word << endl;

Another way to implement your program could be creating a single thread that is reading the lines to the memory all the time, and the other threads would request single lines from the class that is storing them. You would need something like this:

class FileReader {
    // This runs in its own thread
    void readingLoop() {
        // read lines to storage, unless there are too many lines already

    // This is called by other threads
    std::string getline() {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(storageMutex);
        // return line from storage, and delete it
    std::mutex storageMutex;
    std::deque<std::string> storage;
like image 151
VLL Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10