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New posts in armv7

new ios6 architecture error: file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) arm7vs slice

cordova ios6 xcode4.5 armv7

ld: duplicate symbol _objc_retainedObject on iOS 4.3 , but not on iOS 5.0

Building FFMPEG library for iOS6.0 ARMv7 Processor

iphone gcc ffmpeg ios6 armv7

Apple Mach-O Linker Error armv7s & libGoogleAdMobAds.a

ios xcode linker-errors armv7

Getting hardware floating point with android NDK

What are the benefits/consequences of compiling an armv7 only architecture?

MBProgressHUD armv7 error

Is it worth adding the armv7s slice on iOS6?

ios xcode4.5 iphone-5 armv7

Way to restore Xcode to accept armv6 architecture?

xcode4 armv7 xcode3.2 armv6

Android ARMv6/v7 and VFP/NEON

android arm neon armv7

Xcode 4 Final - "armv6 armv7" issue while linking with armv6 libs

Validating app, application is missing Architecture armv7

IOS Application loader shows bundle error

ios7 loader armv7

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 for Cocoapods libraries

Compile Library for armv7s - cputype (12) and cpusubtype (11)

ios armv7

Error: "File was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7s)"

How to support both armv6 and armv7s for release build in xcode 4.5

xcode xcode4.5 armv7 armv6

Do I need to add armv6 support when limiting apps to iOS 4.0+?

iphone ios armv7 armv6

What are the advantages of armv7 over armv6 when compiling iPhone apps?

Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code?

android android-ndk arm armv7