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IOS Application loader shows bundle error





I have already waste 3 days "solving" this problem (actually I have tried everything i could imagine but get nothing).

While binary uploading of my application i get the following error: ERROR ITMS-9000: "this bundle is invalid. armv7s are required to include armv7 architecture." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage).

like image 259
serg_ov Avatar asked Oct 06 '13 17:10


2 Answers

Oh I got it, what you only need to do is to disconnect your device (remove the cable connection between your device and system).

Now archive it and validate. You are good to go I believe. :)

Follow These steps while uploading binary:

  1. Make you Project ready to go (Create distribution certificate, appstore provisioning profile with this certificate and application id of the application you are willing to upload, down load both and double click to install them)
  2. Check if every thing is right, like right Icon files default files etc, and in build setting of your application you have selected your appstore provisioning profile to create you build.
  3. Now unplug your device (although debug option should still remain selected to ios device) while archiving your build
  4. After archiving is completed, validate your build (with same account you have created provisioning profile with), and then correct if there's some other errors, or upload the build otherwise.
like image 90
rptwsthi Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


I got this error, because arch (arm7, arm7s, arm64) + Build Active Arch Only - YES.

I did next: - disconnect iphone - exclude arm64-arch - Set Build Active Arch Only - NO.

Build was successfully uploaded.

like image 41
Serge Maslyakov Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Serge Maslyakov