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New posts in app-store

Submitting to AppStore: Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21

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There are one or more errors on the page

Linking the Developer Page at the appStore from an iPhone App

Invalid background modes error message when submitting to the App Store

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Understanding iOS Development certificates

Delete app from play console

How can I fetch information about the app/song/video etc. from iTunes Store?

Packaging Operation Failed in Xcode 4

iTunes search JSON API returning 403 forbidden on server [closed]

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Submitting App with Xcode 7: ERROR ITMS- 90533 Missing Architecture. Extension Bundle requires a UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities value of "arm64"

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iOS 7 Nav Bar SKStoreProductViewController

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Upload an app's update to the app store !

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How to have a long name for the app store and then a short name under the icon?

How to track numbers of iOS app uninstalls?

ios app-store appsflyer

How to handle the status 21100-21199 returns while validating the iOS receipt

There are still screenshot uploads in progress. Apple App Submission

Apple Application loader console [duplicate]