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New posts in apache-kafka

How to do content filtering with Apache Kafka?

java apache-kafka

Kafka Connect JDBC Source Connector not working for Microsoft SQL Server

Delete Messages from a Topic in Apache Kafka

java apache-kafka

Kafka-Streams Join 2 topics with JSON values | backpressure mechanism?

How to set kafka-connect connector and task's JVM heap size?

How can I control the number of output files written from Spark DataFrame?

Spark Scala Jaas configuration

How to test a ConsumerAwareRebalanceListener?

KafkaStreams How to specify Serdes in stream aggregation?

kafka connect - jdbc sink sql exception

Why is the "topics" argument of KafkaUtils.createStream() a Map rather then array?

Getting schema deserialisation error : Invalid default for field

Spark-Streaming hangs with kafka starting offset at earliest (Kafka 2, spark 2.4.3)

MacOS throwing dyld Error when running kafkacat

macos apache-kafka kcat

Kafka design questions - Kafka Connect vs. own consumer/producer

How to check the actual number of incremental fetch session cache slots used in Kafka cluster?


How to write Kafka Producer in Scala

BufferError: Local: Queue full in Python

python apache-kafka

Send message to different Kafka topics based on configuration

java apache-kafka

Issue in connecting kafka from outside