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New posts in kafka-producer-api

what is the difference between kafka ProducerRecord and KeyedMessage

Desigining Kafka Topics - Many Topics vs One Big Topic

Kafka not able to consume without reading from beginning -Java

How to assign client-id to a particular kafka producer or topic?

Kafka design questions - Kafka Connect vs. own consumer/producer

How to write Kafka Producer in Scala

kafka network Processor error in producer program(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 18)

Apache Spark: Getting a InstanceAlreadyExistsException when running the Kafka producer

Kafka ordering guarantees

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerGroupMetadata

use kafka-producer-perf-test.sh how to set producer config at kafka_2.10-

How do producers and consumers usually work when sending a video file?

Kafka Streams: one record to multiple records

Kafka - org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NetworkException

How to dynamically add consumers in consumer group kafka

LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE error in wurstmeister kafka

How to create topic in Kafka with Python-kafka admin client?

What do we mean by 'commit' data in Kafka broker?