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In ansible, how to synchronize 2 folders on the same remote machine?

Ansible: Perform a failed_when: on an async task based on a value from stdout


In Ansible, how can I combine a default dictionary in a role with a dictionary passed to that role as an argument?

docker daemon start using ansible

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What's the difference between roles and tasks (and tags) in Ansible?

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Ansible: How to use inventory variables in ad-hoc commands


How can I run commands in sudo mode with ansible playbook?

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Ansible variables wildcard selection


How to decode a Base64 var to a binary file with Ansible module

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How to install ansible 2.9+ on ubuntu 18.04 and utilize python3?

SSH Fails Due to Key File Permissions When I Try to Provision a Vagrant VM with Ansible on Windows/Cygwin

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Ansible: Trying to create multiple EC2 instances in multiple regions in one shot

execute ssh-add with ansible raise an error

Deployment with Ansible from Gitlab CI, dealing with passwords

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Is it possible to Loop with with_dict and with_nested together using Ansible Playbook?

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Using pyenv in Ansible

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Setting an environment variable in Ansible from a command output of bash command

Extract substring from variable in Ansible

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Using Ansible variables in testinfra

Modify JSON in Ansible

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