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How do I call a role from within another role in Ansible?


Ansible Installing Python Mysql Connector

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how to put the result of an echo command into an ansible variable

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Ansible: How to check files is changed in shell command?


Ansible and Fedora23 - "firewalld required for this module"

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Ansible yaml dictionary reference to sibling elements

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How to Play with particular group using Ansible Playbook

Is it possible to have multi password with vault

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Ansible-playbook: directly run handler

Dockerized PostgreSQL: psql: FATAL: the database system is starting up

How can I skip role in Ansible?

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Create a Windows AMI with packer and ansible on AWS

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Ansible - Map an array of objects to a different array of objects

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Can I override Ansible SSH key inventory variable ansible_ssh_private_key_file on command line?

Getting a directory of a tasks file for relative paths


ansible-playbook -> ControlPath too long

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Recover ansible-vault password in case password is forgotten


Ansible - Automation remote or local?

Ansible vars_prompt for roles


Argument group is of type 'dict' and we were unable to convert to list

ansible ansible-playbook