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New posts in ansible

Can I use variable substitution with ansible-galaxy and requirements.yml?

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Sort IPs via Jinja2 template

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Ansible permission issue

Setting up Mesos with Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04 on Digital Ocean

Ansible upgrade 2.1: gather_subset error

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Ansible multi hop design

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Ansible stops connecting to the host via ssh [closed]

How to fix "Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: bigip" errors, works in Ansible, NOT Tower

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ansible 1.6 > using with_first_found in a with_items loop?

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Vagrant Ansible provisioning SSH error

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Applying a role under sudo user


using ansible modules from git repository?

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confusion on list or keys in YAML syntax ansible playbook

Ansible connect to jump machine through VPN?


Ansible - managing multiple SSH keys for multiple users & roles

How do I force-reinstall a package with Ansible?

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How to mount all ephemeral drive using ansible

Ansible write info about nodes to local csv file

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Ansible how to create list of dictionary keys

Ansible: Output a variable in vars_prompt
