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New posts in marathon

How does Marathon limit resources for directly called apps?

mesos marathon

Docker + Marathon : how to do a port mapping ?

docker mesos marathon

Run redis in marathon (mesos) under one url

proxy redis mesos marathon

how can i launch the kafka scheduler using marathon in minimesos?

Mesos slaves reject all Marathon jobs with persistent volumes; claims no space available

mesos marathon

Mesos: mesos-slave offer additional ports

mesos mesosphere marathon

How to configure a high-availability cluster of MariaDB and Redis in Mesos or CoreOS

WARN Session 0x0 for server null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect

How to set docker run arguments on marathon spec

docker mesos marathon

DC/OS - authentication vs. api token

marathon dcos

How to securely share private docker repo login credentials in Azure container service with Mesos & Marathon

azure docker mesos marathon dcos

How to use the marathon healthChecks?


difference between ports and service ports?

port mesos marathon

Setting up Mesos with Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04 on Digital Ocean

Fig / Docker-Compose-like JSON to feed into Mesosphere/Marathon to setup Multi-Tier Application

mesos mesosphere marathon

--add-host parameter in Marathon docker application

json docker hosts mesos marathon

Restore deleted container docker

linux docker mesos marathon

Migrate Marathon apps for mesos-slave graceful shutdown

mesos marathon