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Is it possible to have multi password with vault

I have a deployment project that I share with other teams. I have encrypted my secrets with vault. I would like to encrypt the production file with a password and a staging file with an other password to avoid other teams having access to production secrets.

Is it possible to do that ?

I have done something like that. My secrets :

cat /group_vars/all/vault_production.yml (encrypt with password A)
production_password: 'test1'

cat/group_vars/all/vault_staging.yml (encrypt with password B)
staging_password: 'test2'

My environments :

cat hosts-production

cat hosts-staging

My script :

- copy:
  content: |
    env PASS={{hostvars[inventory_hostname][env_type + '_password']}}

And I launch the playbook like that.

# for production
ansible-playbook  -i hosts-staging test.yml --vault-password-file .password_a
# for staging
ansible-playbook  -i hosts-staging test.yml --vault-password-file .password_b

But that doesn't work because there is 2 differents passwords (ERROR! Decryption failed). Do you know how to do that ?




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elhostis Avatar asked Aug 26 '16 16:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

Sorry, only one vault password allowed per run today. Best way to work around this in the case where you really only need one or the other is to dynamically load a vaulted file based on a var; eg:

- hosts: localhost
  - secretstuff-{{ env_type }}.yml


- hosts: localhost
  - include_vars: secretstuff-{{ env_type }}.yml

depending on if you need the vars to survive for one play or the entire run (the latter will bring them in as facts instead of play vars).

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nitzmahone Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10
