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Ansible: Trying to create multiple EC2 instances in multiple regions in one shot

I'm trying to create an AWS EC2 ansible playbook that:

1) first allocates one VPC each on three Regions which are: us-west-1, ap-northeast-1 and eu-west-1.

2) Finds the latest ubuntu AMI for each region (ec2_ami_search),

3) then using the discovered results from 1) and 2), create one EC2 instance per region with the latest ubuntu AMI (for the region) with Availibility Zones us-west-1a, ap-northeast-1a and eu-west-1a, respectively.

With Ansible, I had no problem with step 1) and 2) which was simply:


  - name: create a vpc
      state: present
      region: "{{ item.region }}"
      internet_gateway: True
      resource_tags: { env: production}
        - cidr:
          az: "{{ item.az }}"
            env: production
            tier: public
        - subnets:
          - dest:
            gw: igw
      - region: us-west-1
        az: us-west-1a
      - region: ap-northeast-1
        az: ap-northeast-1a
      - region: eu-west-1
        az: eu-west-1a
  - name: Get the ubuntu trusty AMI
    ec2_ami_search: distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region={{ item }}
      - us-west-1
      - ap-northeast-1
      - eu-west-1
    register: ubuntu_image

and the outputted for the ubuntu_image variable with debug module:

TASK: [print out ubuntu images] *********************************************** 
ok: [localhost] => {
    "ubuntu_image": {
        "changed": false, 
        "msg": "All items completed", 
        "results": [
                "aki": null, 
                "ami": "ami-b33dccf7", 
                "ari": null, 
                "changed": false, 
                "invocation": {
                    "module_args": "distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region=us-west-1", 
                    "module_name": "ec2_ami_search"
                "item": "us-west-1", 
                "serial": "20150629", 
                "tag": "release"
                "aki": null, 
                "ami": "ami-9e5cff9e", 
                "ari": null, 
                "changed": false, 
                "invocation": {
                    "module_args": "distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region=ap-northeast-1", 
                    "module_name": "ec2_ami_search"
                "item": "ap-northeast-1", 
                "serial": "20150629", 
                "tag": "release"
                "aki": null, 
                "ami": "ami-7c4b0a0b", 
                "ari": null, 
                "changed": false, 
                "invocation": {
                    "module_args": "distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region=eu-west-1", 
                    "module_name": "ec2_ami_search"
                "item": "eu-west-1", 
                "serial": "20150629", 
                "tag": "release"

However, I couldn't figure out how to make step 3) take the result from the ubuntu_image register variable and then determine which of the 3 AMIs and Subnets the given EC2 instance belonged. See below where as a workaround I manually hardcoded the ami and subnet value which I simply got from the printout from the above ubuntu_image printout:

  - name: start the instances
      image: "{{ item.ami }}"  # MANUALLY HARDCODED
      region: "{{ item.region }}"
      instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
      assign_public_ip: True
      key_name: "{{ item.name }}"
      group: ["http deployment", "ssh deployment", "outbound deployment"]
      instance_tags: { Name: "{{ item.name }}", type: ss, env: production}
      exact_count: "{{ count }}"
      count_tag: {  Name: "{{ item.name }}" }
      vpc_subnet_id: "{{ item.subnet }}" #MANUALLY HARDCODED
      wait: yes
    register: ec2
      - region: us-west-1
        name: ss12
        ami: ami-b33dccf7  # MANUALLY HARDCODED
        subnet: subnet-35a22550  # MANUALLY HARDCODED
      - region: ap-northeast-1
        name: ss21
        ami: ami-9e5cff9e  # MANUALLY HARDCODED
        subnet: subnet-88c47dff  # MANUALLY HARDCODED
      - region: eu-west-1
        name: ss32
        ami: ami-7c4b0a0b  # MANUALLY HARDCODED
        subnet: subnet-23f59554  # MANUALLY HARDCODED

While hardcoding ami/subnet works, can you think of a solution for me to avoid this hardcoding of the ami/subnet? I tried messing with set_fact to no avail as I couldn't get it to become a dictionary of "region to ami" value mappings

like image 707
Henry Soang Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 18:07

Henry Soang

People also ask

How many EC2 instances we can create in a region?

Q: How many instances can I run in Amazon EC2? You are limited to running On-Demand Instances per your vCPU-based On-Demand Instance limit, purchasing 20 Reserved Instances, and requesting Spot Instances per your dynamic Spot limit per region.

How do I launch an EC2 instance from a different region?

Moving an EC2 Instance to a Different Availability Zone And if you need to change the zone, here's how to do so: Shutdown / stop the instance. Right-click the instance and select Create Image to make an AMI from the instance. Go to the AMI page, right-click on the new AMI and select Launch Instance.

Can Ansible create EC2 instance?

Install BOTO Once all the tools and packages have been installed successfully, we can create Ansible playbooks to initialize an EC2 instance.

2 Answers

Keep in mind that Ansible is a "plugable" system, so it's really easy to customize it for your self. Sometimes it's even easier and faster than trying to find a workaround by using "native" modules.

In your case you can easily write your own custom lookup_plugin that would search for a correct subnet.

For example:

  1. Create a folder called lookup_plugins in your main folder.
  2. Create a file (if you do not have one) called ansible.cfg
lookup_plugins = lookup_plugins

Create a file in lookup_plugins called subnets.py

import boto.vpc
class LookupModule(object):
    def __init__(self, basedir=None, **kwargs):
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.plugin_name = 'subnets'
    def run(self, regions, variable=None, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(regions, list):
            regions = [regions]
        for region in regions:
            return [boto.vpc.connect_to_region(region).get_all_subnets()[0].id]

The above simple code would look for a subnet in a given region. Of course you can customize it however you want.

Then in your playbook reference this plugin to find correct subnet:


- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Start instance
      debug: msg="Starting instance {{ item.ami }} in {{ item.region }} in {{ item.subnet }}"
        - region: us-west-1
          name: ss12
          ami: ami-b33dccf7  
          subnet: "{{ lookup('subnets', 'us-west-1') }}"
        - region: ap-northeast-1
          name: ss21
          ami: ami-9e5cff9e  
          subnet: "{{ lookup('subnets', 'ap-northeast-1') }}"
        - region: eu-west-1
          name: ss32
          ami: ami-7c4b0a0b 
          subnet: "{{ lookup('subnets', 'ap-northeast-1') }}"

In your case you would probably need to reference the correct AMI and associated Region .

like image 98
Vor Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10


if you still want to do this without help from another module you can calculate the modulo '%' of the servers and the subnets length:

"{{subnets[item.0 | int % subnets | length | int].aws_ec2_subnets}}"

example code


  - {zone: "us-east-1a", aws_ec2_subnets: 'subnet-123'}
  - {zone: "us-east-1b", aws_ec2_subnets: 'subnet-456'}
  - {zone: "us-east-1d", aws_ec2_subnets: 'subnet-789'}

  - server1
  - server2
  - server3


- name: Create new ec2 instance
    profile: "{{aws_profile}}"
    key_name: "{{aws_key_name}}"
    group_id: "{{aws_security_group}}"
    instance_type: "{{aws_instance_type}}"
    image: "{{aws_ami}}"
    region: "{{region}}"
    exact_count: "1"
    #instance_profile_name: none
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 500
    volumes: "{{volumes}}"
    monitoring: no
    vpc_subnet_id: "{{subnets[item.0 | int % subnets | length | int].aws_ec2_subnets}}"
    assign_public_ip: no
    tenancy: default
    termination_protection: yes
      App: "{{app_name}}"
      Environment: "{{environment_type}}"
      Platform: "{{platform_name}}"
      Name: "{{item.1}}"
      App: "{{app_name}}"
      Environment: "{{environment_type}}"
      Platform: "{{platform_name}}"
      Name: "{{item.1}}"
  register: ec2_new_instance
    - "{{server_list}}"
like image 43
dsaydon Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
