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Deployment with Ansible from Gitlab CI, dealing with passwords

I'm trying to achieve an "password-free" deployment workflow using Gitlab CI and Ansible. Some steps do require a password (I'm already using SSH Keys whenever I can) so I've stored those password inside an Ansible Vault. Next, I would just need to provide the Vault password when running the playbook.

But how could I integrate this nicely with Gitlab CI?

May I register a gitlab-ci job (or jobs are suitable for builds only?), which just runs the playbook providing the vault password somehow?! Can this be achieved without a password laying around in plain text?!

Also, I would be really happy if someone can point me some material that shows how we can deploy builds using Ansible. As you can notice, I've definitively found nothing about that.

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kbtz Avatar asked Sep 15 '15 14:09


People also ask

How do you pass an encrypted password in Ansible?

You can use the ansible-vault encrypt_string command for this. You'll be prompted to insert and then confirm the vault password. You can then start inserting the string value that you wish to encrypt. Press ctrl-d to end input.

How do I use Ansible passwords?

To enable this feature, a command line tool, ansible-vault is used to edit files, and a command line flag --ask-vault-pass or --vault-password-file is used. You can also modify your ansible. cfg file to specify the location of a password file or configure Ansible to always prompt for the password.

How do I store passwords in Ansible vault?

You can store your vault passwords on the system keyring, in a database, or in a secret manager and retrieve them from within Ansible using a vault password client script. Enter the password as a string on a single line. If your password has a vault ID, store it in a way that works with your password storage tool.

1 Answers

You can set an environment variable in the GitLab CI which would hold the Ansible Vault password. In my example i called it $ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD

Here is the example for .gitlab-ci.yml:

    - master
    - echo $ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD > .vault_password.txt
    - ansible-playbook -i ansible/staging.yml --vault-password-file .vault_password.txt

Hope this trick helps you out.

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Laurynas Mališauskas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Laurynas Mališauskas