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New posts in anonymous-function

How do I get the value from an anonymous expression?

What's the most elegant lambda expression (action) that does nothing?

What's the difference between closure parameters and the 'use' keyword?

SortedSet<T> and anonymous IComparer<T> in the constructor is not working

Dynamically assigning function implementation in Python

Are anonymous functions a bad practice in JavaScript?

Can you name the parameters in a Func<T> type?

c# anonymous-function

Return value from anonymous function postgresql

How do you declare a Func with an anonymous return type?

Javascript arguments.callee what is it for

Reason behind this self invoking anonymous function variant

Equivalent of C# anonymous methods in Java?

Can I store RegExp and Function in JSON?

Difference between expression lambda and statement lambda

Scala return statements in anonymous functions

this value in JavaScript anonymous function

Are there any drawbacks to using anonymous functions in JavaScript? E.g. memory use?

What does this "(function(){});", a function inside brackets, mean in javascript? [duplicate]

Best way to run a simple function on a new Thread?

How to document anonymous functions (closure) with jsdoc-toolkit