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Best way to run a simple function on a new Thread?

I have two functions that I want to run on different threads (because they're database stuff, and they're not needed immediately).

The functions are:


In javascript, I know I can create create an anonymous function and call it on a new thread quite easily with something like this:

setTimeout(new function(){doSomethingImportantInBackground();}, 500);

Is there something like this in C#?

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Malfist Avatar asked Oct 21 '09 20:10


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To implement threading in Python, you have to perform three steps: Inherit the class that contains the function you want to run in a separate thread by using the Thread class. Name the function you want to execute in a thread run() . Call the start() function from the object of the class containing the run() method.

4 Answers

Your question isn't very clear, I'm afraid. You can easily start a new thread with some code, using anonymous methods in C# 2, and lambda expressions in C# 3:

Anonymous method:

new Thread(delegate() {
new Thread(delegate() {

Lambda expression:

new Thread(() =>
new Thread(() =>

You can use the same sort of syntax for Control.Invoke, but it's slightly trickier as that can take any delegate - so you need to tell the compiler which type you're using rather than rely on an implicit conversion. It's probably easiest to write:

EventHandler eh = delegate
    // Code


EventHandler eh = (sender, args) =>
    // Code

As a side note, are your names really that long? Can you shorten them to get more readable code?

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10

Jon Skeet

Similar to what's been said - I find tasks to be a bit simpler (supported as of .net 4 and can be used as follows as of .net 4.5):

Task mytask = Task.Run(() => 
    //Lines of code
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JSideris Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10


Starting threads is relatively expensive.

You might be better of using a thread from the thread pool:

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(unused =>
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(unused =>
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oefe Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10


You could use an anonymous method:

void Foo()
    Thread myThread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate(){
              //Your code here
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Daniel Rodriguez Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10

Daniel Rodriguez