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New posts in anonymous-class

What's a good example for making use of an anonymous class in PHP7

php php-7 anonymous-class

How to add @SerialVersionUID to an anonymous class?

Which part of JLS said anonymous classes cannot have public/protected/private member classes

Value of "this" in an anonymous class vs a lambda expression

In Java, can an anonymous class declare its own type parameters?

When to use anonymous classes? [closed]

java oop anonymous-class

Proguard removes Anonymous class in Anonymous class in Java

Reference to Public Enum results in Anonymous Class

Can anonymous class be used as return types in C++?

How do I use Powermockito to mock the construction of new objects when testing a method in an anonymous class?

Why is an anonymous class in a static context valid

java anonymous-class

Where is final parameter stored in anonymous class instance?

How are anonymous classes compiled in Java?

Anonymous struct in typedef of trait class

Anonymous class implementing interface [duplicate]

When do I need anonymous class in C++?

c++ anonymous-class

When an anonymous class with no references to its enclosing class is returned from an instance method, it has a reference to this. Why?

java anonymous-class

Why can an anonymous class access non-final class member of the enclosing class

Dynamic construction of anonymous class confusion