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New posts in anonymous-class

LINQ select query with Anonymous type and user Defined type

What is this constructor call with following double braces?

NotSerializableException on anonymous class

Are all final variables captured by anonymous classes?

java anonymous-class

What does a variable being "effectively final" mean? [duplicate]

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Access outer anonymous class from inner anonymous class

java anonymous-class

Kotlin object expressions: Comparator example

Java anonymous class efficiency implications

Do anonymous classes *always* maintain a reference to their enclosing instance?

Declaring a method when creating an object

Automatic replacing all anonymous inner class to lambda in Intellij Idea

Can we create an object of an interface?

Why is an anonymous inner class containing nothing generated from this code?

Anonymous classes in PHP 7

php anonymous-class php-7

What's the difference between anonymous classes in Java and closures?

What's the harm in using Anonymous class?

java anonymous-class

Is usage of anonymous classes in Java considered bad style or good? [closed]

Anonymous class in swift

swift anonymous-class

Can I create anonymous classes in C++ and capture the outside variables like in Java?

Can I specify a meaningful name for an anonymous class in C#?

c# .net c#-3.0 anonymous-class