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New posts in angular-animations

Dynamically create Angular animations

Angular 5: fade animation during routing (CSS)

Run multiple query animations in parallel

How to animate ScrollTop with @angular/animations?

Angular router transition animations slide both left and right conditionally

Angular Animations: Animate Parent and Child Elements

Angular 4 - Please include either "BrowserAnimationsModule" or "NoopAnimationsModule" in your application

Angular animation not working in IE edge

Angular animations as a separate file not in-lined

Angular animation : Rotation 180° click image

Repeat animation angular 4

MatSort breaks MatTable detail row animations

How can I animate *ngFor in Angular?

Slide down animation Angular 4

Transitions in Angular

Angular how to delay/stagger the animation inside of child components

Angular2 bind animation to pseudo element

Angular NoopAnimationsModule Type Error matches Element is not a function

Integrate AOS library with Angular4 application