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New posts in angular-animations

How does Angular 2/4 determine which styles to place inline prior/post an animation?

Angular 8 Animations Error on Lazy Loaded Module - Found Synthetic Property

Expand input width dynamically to the length of string

Angular 4 animate parent and child components at the same time

Angular - How to define animation parameters default values?

How to use input parameters in angular 6 animation?

angular2 transition animation is not working

Angular: Disable animation on initial view / page load

How to animate :enter & :leave transitions conditionally in Angular?

angular2 component transition animation

Angular 5 Stagger Animation - How to do Reverse Order

Angular 2 "slide in animation" of a routed component

How do I perform infinite animations in Angular 2?

What is a angular synthetic property?

How to Add Animations to a Component in Angular where the template is based on ngTemplate

Angular 4 animation to height *

Angular 4 animate any height/position changes with angular animations

Add animation when expression value changes - Angular 5

Route animation angular 4