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New posts in angular-animations

Angular Route Transition - Slide left or right dependent on current route?

Angular animate query incorrectly returning zero elements

Angular 4 animation for fade in and out a view

Set Angular animation param with Host Binding

Migration from angular 5 to angular 6 - changes in @angular/core

Is it possible to disable mat-tab animations with pure css

How to bind animations to content children & subscribe to animation events?

Angular page transition animation of specific items

Angular 2 Animations "Failed to execute 'animate' on 'Element': Partial keyframes are not supported."

Angular 7 animations causes z-index overlapping issue on webkit browsers

Angular 2 Staggering Animation

Angular 5 Animation: How to work with :leave transition while the component is removed from DOM

Animating with variables Angular 4

Is it possible to animate mat-tree? (Angular Material)

Angular Animation which creates short highlight

Is it possible to add a CSS class on ':enter' or ':leave' events of a component/element like used with Animations in Angular 10?