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Angular how to delay/stagger the animation inside of child components

I have a child component with animations


  selector: 'child',
    // animations
export class ChildComponent { ... }

And a parent component, which has 2 of the child components in the html



Stackblitz Example

What I want to achieve is to stagger the animations of the child components in the parent component. Therefore second child component should start animation after X seconds.

animateChild() sounds like it might work but I cant figure out how I can use it. Is that the right solution? If so an example would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: animateChild() does not seem to work for this case. Appearantly it only works on animations that are defined in the parent component.

EDIT2: I think there might be a workaround by adding a delay to the animations inside of the child components.


  selector: 'child',
    // animations
export class ChildComponent { ... }

The x would be a variable that would increase for every child component. This workaround looks kinda messy to me

EDIT3: the anwers so far are more or less the solution i mentioned in my second edit. While those do work I still consider those as workarounds.

I am looking for a solution that only involves the parent component therefore the child component should stay the way it is like in this non working example

like image 848
Flyii Avatar asked Dec 02 '18 21:12


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1 Answers

As per angular documentation in animation function.

The second argument, delay, has the same syntax as duration. For example:

Wait for 100ms and then run for 200ms: '0.2s 100ms'

Full reading here

So, our goal is to pass the second parameter something like this

animate('2000ms {{delay}}ms'

first, lets add input parameter to your child component so we can accept the input values from the parent ones:

export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() delay: number = 0;
  constructor() { }    

Now, lets pass down the parameter value form the parent component

<app-child [delay]="0"></app-child>

<app-child [delay]="1000"></app-child>
<p>child2 should have a delay</p>

In your child component we need to pass this parameter to the animation trigger so it would look like this

<p [@childAnimation]="{value:'',params:{delay:delay}}">

And finally we can change our animation to support this parameter value

animations: [
    trigger('childAnimation', [
      transition(':enter', [
        animate('2000ms {{delay}}ms', style({ transform: 'translateX(80%)' })),
        animate('2000ms', style({ transform: 'translateX(0)' })),
      ], { params: { delay: 0 } })

all good now, you should working delay to the inputs now.

Check out demo here

like image 125
Just code Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Just code