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New posts in ng-animate

Disable ng-animate globally and then enable on some elements

angularjs ng-animate

Sliding view with angular ui-router and ng-animate auto scroll to targeted view

Make sure DOM changes are finished before transition

Strange error in angular-animate.js

Apply a state class to ui-view to allow different ng animation

Ng-animate stopped working using $templateRequest decorator

uncaught object error: can't inject ngAnimate

Angular ngAnimate causes width animations to jump

Can't trigger animation on nested ngRepeat

Angular not updating ng-class on ng-view

Angularjs ng-animate + css transition for sliding effect

Leave animation on ng-include with dynamic source

Animations in AngularJS ng-show

ngRepeat Animation in angular 1.4

How to delay ngAnimate in ngRepeat

ng-Animate not working for a Hide and Show setting