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New posts in ng-animate

Jerky interrupted CSS transitions with ngAnimate on Chrome

Fade animation between state transitions in ui-router

Angular ui-view animation not working when using named views

ngAnimate stopped working in AngularJS 1.6.4

Why doesn't my directive's enter animation using ng-if run on first time when using AngularJS 1.5?

ng-animate not working in 1.3

angularjs ng-animate

Using AngularJS' ngAnimate when removing an item from scope

AngularJS $animate.enter not adding ng-enter and ng-enter-active classes

Slide left/right with angular ui-router on state change + back button (for mobile usage)

Best practice for animating multiple ui-views as one

Dynamically create Angular animations

Animate.css and Angularjs ng-hide

Unable to find a suitable version for angular with bower installation error for angular-animate module

Angular js - slide views but not home page - ng-animate

ng-view along with ng-animate executes directive twice

ngAnimate - Sliding both ways

angularjs ng-animate

during ng-animate of views, "leaving" view still takes up space while "entering" view is animating in

How do you animate table rows using ng-animate in the same way as one would list items?

Angularjs - animating children of repeated elements