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New posts in ng-animate

Animating ng-move in AngularJS ngRepeat is animating the wrong items

Angular JS 1.2 - animating child elements with ng-show

AngularJS: with ng-animate & ng-view, how to make a 3D cube rotation effect?

What's wrong with ngAnimate and ui.bootstrap modal?

angular animations not working for ng-show when changing class using ng-class

AngularJS ng-show animation cross-fade inside ng-repeat

Angular Material Design Animation

Slide Left animated transition in ng-hide, ng-Animate

angularjs css ng-animate

Tell ngAnimate to only animate ngShow/ngHide

ngAnimate 1.4.7 unit test not calling animation functions

How can I animate the movement of remaining ng-repeat items when one is removed?

sliding between route transition angularjs

angularjs ng-animate

Angular 1.x ngAnimate in Shadow DOM doesn't register animation times or add enter/leave classes

AngularJS animation card flip

ngAnimate on ngShow. Preventing animation when it starts first time

angularjs ng-animate

Angular ng-animate 1.3.* Causes to unexpected behavior to ng-class inside directive

angularjs chained fade-in / fade-out transition

quick leave and enter cause multiple element in angular ng-if animation

List reorder animation with angularjs

Ng-animate does not add the ng-enter and ng-leave classes