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New posts in android-lifecycle

Distinguish between pushing "home" button and opening another Activity

Returning LiveData from repository

Implementing long polling with retrofit and kotlin channels

Why is DefaultLifecycleObserver preferred over the Lifecycle annotations when Java 8 on Android is available?

Is it possible for a callback method to be called after onDestroy?

How much Android lifecycle handling is too much?

android android-lifecycle

How can I save the application back stack to a bundle?

Android Application class lifecyle documentation

android android-lifecycle

Android - What happens to a bound service if the binding activity was killed?

LifecycleObserver produce exception with methods that use newer APIs

Keeping threads and connection state in Android app using onSaveInstanceState?

What happens to android app when a phone call interrupts the app?

Fragment - getArguments() returns an empty bundle

Android lifecycle observers don't trigger when code is minified by R8

Using IntentService for Location listening but onDestroy called immediately after onHandleIntent

onDestroy() gets called when the back button is pressed

android android-lifecycle

FacebookActivity did not call finish() on Api 23+

Android Application onCreate, when is it called

how to check activities lifecycle state in Android

android android-lifecycle

Android beginner: onDestroy