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New posts in facebook-sdk-4.0

Facebook login button causes a crash

FacebookSDK not able to login, giving blank white screen after authorization.


Android Facebook SDK - Share dialog does not respond to cancel callback

Share with Facebook Messenger

android facebook-sdk-4.0

Gradle failed with Facebook SDK, Fresco lib and Retrofit?

How to handling login redirects back to app from multiple social login accounts swift?

Could not build module 'FBSDKShareKit'

Android, Facebook Login Button Causes Crash (SDK 4.0.0)

How to parse next page of Facebook (SDK 4.0) Graph response in android?

Deprecated FacebookSdk method throws RuntimeException

Add rounded corners to the Facebook button

how to fetch profile picture from facebook

Where is the FBSDKSettings.setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled(true) method?

Facebook login button on Android causing ExceptionInInitializerError

how to publish post on facebook page wall as admin using facebook php sdk v4 and graph api 2.x

AppInviteDialog not working in Android Facebook SDK 4.0